EXTRA CREDIT: My experience redesigning New Wave Coffee’s website

New Wave Coffee logoFor my final project in this class, I wanted to redesign the website of New Wave Coffee in Logan Square (where I am currently enjoying a cup of coffee and editing my blog). Their current site consists only of their logo, their hours, their address, and their phone number. I felt they should have a little bit more robust website.

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Forget floats and margin tricks. Flexbox is here!

I ran across an interesting article on Smashing Magazine that might just change everything. Flexbox is here, and we should all be using it now! CanIUse.com reports that flexbox is supported across all major current browsers. According to the Smashing article:

The days of floats and margin trickery are finally behind us, as CSS furnishes developers with new and improved properties perfect for those delicate layouts. Layout features such as vertical alignment, evenly distributed spacing, source-order control and other patterns such as “sticky” footers are quite effortless to achieve with flexbox.

Flexbox looks like an absolute game-changer. I will admit that I haven’t yet tried it, but am eager to try it out and use it. Anyone else have any experience with flexbox?