404? 4-Oh-Wow!

It’s happened to all of us. You’re poking around the web, and follow a link to a different site, and — WHAM! 404 Not Found. Some are plain, usually generated by the server, but some companies and sites take it to the next level and turn the plain 404 Not Found page into an experience all itself. Some are humourous, some are informative, and some are just great design. But the folks at Woltbit.com have compiled a list of cool and creative 404 pages. Pay attention to #2. Blue Fountain Media has turned their 404 page into a playable Pac Man maze!

Top ten overused fonts on the web

Font ReachI recently read an article on Fast Company Design blog about a new site called FontReach that shows the most used fonts on the web. Fontreach was created by Jason Chen and Jesse Chase of Digital Ocean after they started looking for a new typeface for their website. They thought the font they chose was overused, but they needed data. No tool like FontReach existed, so they created it.

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End the Echo: A new kind of inspirational site

End the Echo ScreenshotWe’ve all gone to sites like siteinspire.com, awwwards.com, and even behance.net to look for ideas and inspiration when planning a new site. Or perhaps we’re looking at new emerging trends in web design. And that’s all fine and good, but it does tend to create a bit of an echo chamber. When we’re only looking to other websites for inspiration, we’re only seeing what other designers are doing, and in turn, emulating those designs.

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