EXTRA CREDIT: OpenType features and the web

I ran across an article on the TypeKit Practice blog about OpenType features and how to enable and use them on the web.

OpenType features are more than just fancy swashes, they’re the superpowers of fonts! The best typefaces are full of sophisticated reasoning and little surprises — things that are often integral to the design of the typeface itself, or that help it work better for specific typesetting tasks. Being a graphic design student, I can appreciate the nuances of ligatures and old style numbers, and have always struggled to bring these same features from print over to the web.

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A point of style: ‘Chicago Manual of Style’ Headlines or ‘AP Stylebook’ headlines?

I know this isn’t directly related to web design, but rather, this is about the most important part of a website — content. I find it hard to decide on what style I want to use for my article headlines. On the one hand, many sites are using Chicago Manual of Style type headlines — a headline where the first letter of every word, except for articles like of, in, and, withfor, etc., are capitalized. But on the other hand, having worked at a newspaper that used AP style, I am partial to AP Style Guide type headlines, where only the initial word in the headline, and any proper nouns, are capitalized. I’ve been pretty inconsistent so far, but I want to stick with one style, and maybe even retroactively correct older articles.

I want to hear from you. Which style do you think works better? First, let’s look at a test headline in Chicago style:

Cool Drop Shadows with CSS

Here’s the same headline in AP style:

Cool drop shadows with CSS

Let me know what you think in the comments section below!